Wednesday 10 December 2014


hello and assalam to everyone that have worship to Him. so what??? uh,aku just trpikir, does world go to anything bad somehow? hmm,a sec,yup klu nobody changes.

aku x malaikat mne tpi aku tringin nak tgk kanak2 dunia skg samada kerinting or lurus,capang or mlekap,kurus or gemok mok,blari mngejar matlamat yg's KEAMANAN. a stuation where peep gathering harmony samhau...

so,aku nak wat cemana ntok stop laki pompuan ajnabi dri bzina?
how i am going to stop my frenz from killing eachother??

tell me how???

ekceli, bru skg aku tsedar(better late than never,am i right?)..n i'll try my best to change meself  n others..
so,pray ek?

simple but this is.#ini aku :)